Monday, 3 October 2016

8 Good Reasons to Quit using Drugs

If you are looking for reasons to stop using drugs, chances are very good that you have noticed that your life is not as happy, enjoyable or successful as it was before. Maybe you've been convinced that you can use drugs and still keep things together. Sometimes it can be done for a while, depending on the person. But by the time one's drug use or alcohol use reaches the point of being addiction, one's life has already begun a downward side. 

Hopefully, you're reading this before you've gotten to that point. To give you some encouragement, here's eight excellent reasons to quit using drugs.

1. You'll be healthier

There's not a drug out  there without some harmful effects as all drugs are basically poisons. The exact effects vary by drug. Heroin or painkillers suppress the action of the lungs and this can lead to tuberculosis, pneumonia or abscesses. Marijuana causes changes to the brain similar to those that occur with schizophrenia, not to mention the damage to your lungs. Methamphetamine is extremely hard on the entire body, especially the nervous system and brain. The heavy use of many drugs or alcohol leads to extreme weight loss and malnutrition that can affect one's ability to resist illness.

2. You'll reduce your risk of death.

 Many drugs can cause death the first time you use them, and other can have a damaging effect long-term. Cocaine is very stressful on the heart  and arteries which can trigger an immediate cardiac arrest on heart attacks. Alcohol can kill by overdose or increase the risk of accident. Any opiate can cause fatal overdose. Synthetics like Ecstasy can cause you to overheat which can cause organ breakdown. Stop ;picking up the drugs and you have a better chance at a long life.

3. You will be more likely to keep a good job.

 One of the typical signs of the slide into addiction is loss jobs. It's very common for a person using drugs to blame others for this setback. But normally, it's because the person stopped performing as well on the job. There were probably more sick days taken. Project were taken to completion. Mistakes were made. Costumers were neglected and co-workers were alienated. The end result: No more jobs.

4. You can preserve your relationship.

 If one's spouse or family members are not drug user's, it is common for the relationship to be seriously damaged or to be ended when the other person won't tolerate the drug use anymore. If those around you are using drugs with you, then any children may be taken away. All your lives probably go on the same downward spiral together.

5. You'll have more money.

 If you have an addiction to heroin, it's usual to pay 150-200 per day on this habit. Painkiller addiction will cost more. Cocaine as well. Marijuana might still cost thousand per year and alcoholics might spend 300-500 a month. It depends on one's tastes and location. All this money could be going into your pocket to improve your life. If you were committing illegal acts to get the money, you will now safe from being arrested.

6. You will gradually regain  the ability to feel real, authentic emotion once again.

 Like joy over wonderful things happening, sadness when it is appropriate. Drugs and alcohol mask one's real emotional responses to life's events. Opiates and marijuana may make one feel mellow even if one's life is crashing down around one's ears. Meth and other stimulants will provide a completely delusional set of emotional reactions. Long term use of drugs can result in apathy and depression, especially once you come down from them.

7. People will like you better. This is almost a sure thing

So many people become mean or aggressive when they are drunk and heavy marijuana use can trigger panic attacks or personally changes that could make you a burden on your friends. If you overdose in front of someone, they will have to tote you off to a hospital and this is not a good way to make or keep friends. Stimulants like cocaine and methamphetamine often make people aggressive and paranoid-terrible qualities for a friend or relative

8. Perhaps the most important reason to quit using drugs is that it is a dead end activity

The end result of addiction is either death, jail or sobriety. Yes it's though to face the prospect of quitting drugs. The outcome of not making this choice is far, far worse. The answer for many people is to find a rehab program that offers a program with good result  statistics and that alights with one's own philosophy. Many programs prescribe drugs for those in recovery, either during withdrawal or throughout the program and after returning home. Some people are fine with this but many others would rather come off drugs completely. 

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